PIXI Lighting

2 Peters Canyon Rd, Suite #100
Irvine, CA 92606

About PIXI Lighting

PIXI Lighting leads the home and commercial lighting industry with the first and only edge-lit LED fixture that has an internal power supply, enabling the fixture to be flush-mounted on any vertical, horizontal or angled surface. The PIXI FlatLight is a mountable solid state, wafer-based lighting fixture that uses the same LED technology found in high-definition televisions. The FlatLight is currently available in select Home Depot locations and on HomeDepot.com.

PIXI transforms the centuries-old “light fixture/replaceable lamp” business model into a cutting-edge, technology savvy industry featuring thin and flat, solid state, all-in-one lighting devices that combine long-lasting, energy-efficient LED modules, practical and fashion-forward designs, and modern digital features and functionality.

Competitors of PIXI Lighting

Canarm Inc

Canarm’s Lighting and Ceiling Fan Divison is proud to supply quality, on trend products that are both affordable and obtainable! In lighting, we have what you need! We also have what you want! We have your safe, solid sellers; we have some out-of-your-comfort-zone styles and we have current,... Read More


We design and manufacture lighting solutions utilizing LED technology. Our systems are intended for indoor and outdoor use in residential, office and public spaces. The core of the company's activity has always been conscious design, in which the function and quality of the product form a... Read More

Tresco Lighting

Products by PIXI Lighting

By PIXI Lighting

The PIXI FlatLight luminaire is a brand new, edge-lit LED lighting fixture from PIXI Lighting that provides warm, beautiful, natural light in the form of a completely flat fixture, with an internal power supply, that can be installed on ceilings, walls, or under the counter. Because of its... Read more »