Canarm’s Lighting and Ceiling Fan Divison is proud to supply quality, on trend products that are both affordable and obtainable! In lighting, we have what you need! We also have what you want! We have your safe, solid sellers; we have some out-of-your-comfort-zone styles and we have current,... Read More
We design and manufacture lighting solutions utilizing LED technology. Our systems are intended for indoor and outdoor use in residential, office and public spaces. The core of the company's activity has always been conscious design, in which the function and quality of the product form a... Read More
The PIXI FlatLight luminaire is a brand new, edge-lit LED lighting fixture from PIXI Lighting that provides warm, beautiful, natural light in the form of a completely flat fixture, with an internal power supply, that can be installed on ceilings, walls, or under the counter. Because of its... Read more »